Results of Field Day 2003

Field Day 2003 was a great success. To every one who came out my thanks. It is always a dangerous thing to select someone for special thanks but I'll take the risk (in no particular order):

Bill Morine N2COP We had TV channels 3 and 6 out with cameras and the local paper with a photographer. Great job!

Andrew Waters KI4BDF Andrew just got his license the day before. He provided power cords and a fan that kept us all cool.

Mike George KE4PBC Mike is with the county emergency management and provided the generators. Mike also gave us 100 points as the representative of a served agency.

Bill Wetherill N2WG Bill brought his QRP solar powered rig and knocked off the 5 required contacts in less than 30 minutes!! Thanks for the 100 points.

Bill Usher AG4PA Bill was tasked to deliver an NTS message to the NC Section Manager. As of 1:30PM Sunday no one had taken the message. John Hollingsworth W4CC, NC section manager showed up and agreed to take the message via radio on his car unit!! A great way to end field day with an extra 100 points.

Steve Vaisey WT2J Steve provided everything anyone forgot to bring and then some. He also brought his rig, constructed a large v wire antenna, provided the logging software we used and in general kept his station going (and still found time to cook those great ribs).

Ed Redington W4EBR and Larry Modlin KG4SYQ for their support.

All the XYLs who gave their significant others time off to ham.

Everyone who brought something to eat.

The final results are in and we are the winners:

44 licensed hams participated.
10 other visitors.
465 QSO's (I know I said 500 but the software faked me out by counting CW QSO's as 2).

QSO Breakdown: 248 20m SSB
105 40m SSB
56 80m SSB
30 20m CW
23 40m CW

Of the 13 states needed for club WAS we worked all but Alaska.

We claimed 700 bonus points:
100 Natural power 5 QSO's
100 Public place
100 Independent power
100 Media publicity
100 Information booth
100 Served agency official visit
100 NTS message to section manager

Total points QSO's 1036 plus 700 bonus = 1736 points.

Great job by all!!

Glen Day AG4NO

P.S. Already planning for next year and it will be better.