Azalea Coast Amateur Radio Club

AC4RC & NI4BK QSL Info: Azalea Coast Amateur Radio Club, P.O. Box 4044, Wilmington, N.C. 28406

Guest Operator Program Battleship History Battleship Video Visit The Battleship

Welcome to the Azalea Coast Amateur Radio Club!  The Club supports many local activities, has a Volunteer Examiner program, elmers to new hams and helps with antenna and radio questions.

Azalea Coast ARC uses club call AC4RC for Field Day and other functions. Club Call NI4BK is used for events from the Battleship USS North Carolina.

If you are currently a licensed ham and are in, or will be traveling to, the Wilmington area, please feel free to contact us about our Guest Operator program for the Battleship USS North Carolina.  You may schedule a time to get on the air from Radio Central within the battleship!  If you are traveling through don't miss out on the chance!  Find out how!

People who are interested in becoming amateur radio operators should always feel free to visit our monthly meetings on every 3rd Tuesday of the month, with elmer and social hour at 6:00 pm and the formal meeting starting at 7:00 pm at Pine Valley Baptist Church at 3914 Shipyard BLVD in Wilmington. 

*** We also offer in-person FCC license testing every other month, see the VE Testing page for more information. ***

A couple of special notes for the new year...  The ACARC weekly ragchew net will be returning to MON NIGHTS as of DEC 30th.  Our VE testing will be switching to all digital testing in 2025!  

*** ACARC will be testing the idea of streaming our monthly meetings via ZOOM.  A link to the ZOOM version of the meeting will be sent via the club's email reflector.  Access to the AC4RC email reflector is by membership only.  If you wish to support the club's efforts and attend meetings remotely, please consider joining the Azalea Coast Amateur Radio Club! ***

Wilmington Area Amateur Radio Repeaters 	v5.2 May 11, 2023 Currently Active On-Air Within 40 Mile Radius Of Downtown Wilmington - MAY, 2023