Azalea Coast Amateur Radio Club

AC4RC & NI4BK QSL Info: Azalea Coast Amateur Radio Club, P.O. Box 4044, Wilmington, N.C. 28406
Field day 2023
June 24th 1800 UTC
(Site setup begins at
at 9am Local)
June 25th 1759 UTC
Ogden Park
Picnic Shelter #3

Field Day

Where the spirit of Amateur Radio Past joins forces with the Next Generation of Innovations, Interests and Individuals!!!

ARRL Field Day is the most popular on-the-air operating event in amateur radio. On the fourth full weekend in June, tens of thousands of amateur radio operators gather for a public demonstration of our service. Field Day is part educational event, part operating event, part public relations event , and ALL about FUN!

Amateur radio is about knowledge and growth. It is a hobby and service that truly offers “something for everyone.” Amateur Radio embraces both the old and new. While CW may no longer be a testing element, it is still a strong and favorite operating mode for many. Tens of thousands of operators are embracing digital technologies, from RTTY to newer digital modes like PSK31 and Olivia. Phone operation, probably the largest segment of the hobby, also has new frontiers to be explored with digitized voice, VOIP, and IRLP. And this is why Field Day – the largest annual on-the-air operating event – is so exciting. It gives all – the old timer and the newcomer, the brass-pounder and the computer assisted operator – the chance to share and teach the broad range of modes and technologies we find in our hobby.

Field Day is truly the time in which we bring amateur radio to Main Street USA. By setting up in parking lots, malls, Emergency Operations Centers, parks and even at home, amateur operators learn skills that will allow them to better serve their communities. Setting up in these public venues gives added public relations value – their friends and neighbors can see and experience the fun and public service capability that their “ham radio” neighbors bring to the community.