Azalea Coast Amateur Radio Club

AC4RC & NI4BK QSL Info: Azalea Coast Amateur Radio Club, P.O. Box 4044, Wilmington, N.C. 28406

In 2009 the Battleship USS North Carolina and the Azalea Coast Amateur Radio Club initiated an agreement to host a guest operator's station aboard the ship. This allows out of town guest operators to come and operate amateur radio from the Battleship.

This is a fantastic opportunity for hams to operate from Radio Central aboard an amazing piece of our nation's naval history, the showboat herself!

We have a SSB station set up and if the guest would like to operate CW from one of the ship's original transmitters they should bring their own key and keyer if needed (*** As of June 2023 we are waiting for refurbished generators to be re-installed to power the ship's original transmitters. The original transmitters will not be available until this work can be completed.  We do still have other transmitters available on board in the meantime.***).


Guest must purchase a ticket to board ship. We will give 2 hour time slots but if time permits we can stay longer.

Contact us by email to arrange appointment times.

Read about the history of the Battleship USS North Carolina and efforts to maintain the ship's radio equipment here.